Keeping Arachnids at Bay on the Covenstead CW: Spiders It’s September in the Pacific Northwest, or Spider Season as it’s more locally known. Literally spiders show up everywhere. Now, we’re not as bad as some places in Australia, but funnels, webs, and strings of baby spiders in flight are everywhere. Sunrise & Sunset chores here…
Author: runa
Flipping Off The System
A Lesson in Onions & Worth In the last week or so I’ve harvested enough onions and garlic to use in our meals for months and months. The red onion harvest alone should keep us in red onions for nine months. I look at these harvests as a big screw-you to the horrendous systems we…
Working with the Seagoat Energy in 2022
Intentions Set in January, Where Are We Now? Here we are the cusp of the Full Buck Moon in Capricorn and Lammas is coming up very fast! That means that it’s time to check in on the goals I set at the beginning of the calendar year. First I want to share with you how…
Retrograde Reassessment
Looking at the calendar, the summer solstice is right around the corner. Given that Mercury is moving back direct from its retrograde (I started this post when it was still fully retrograde), I wanted to take some time and reassess how I’m doing on my goals for 2022’s calendar year. Back in January I posted…
Kitchen Witchery meets Permaculture For The Fur Babies
In honor of National Pet Rescue Day – DIY Magic Pet Food May 20 is National Pet Rescue Day. My current ‘Puppers,’ as The Viking and I call them, are rescues. I’ve always preferred to adopt rescues than purchase my pet because I find they are just so loyal and loving. The added benefit that…
Hatching Season!
Villa Westwyk welcomes goslings! It’s hard to get a photo of our little goose family all together, because clearly they are SUPER comfortable. Can you spot all seven goslings? Currently we’re getting ready for an unseasonably cold front coming in. Honestly, Spring really has been a warm winter here in the PNW. But our snow…
A Delightful Surprise That Lasts and Lasts
Pickled Eggs are a staple in our covenstead here at Villa Westwyk. They are a treat and so good for you and full of Magic.
Is This Message For You?
Divination through Dreams If you’ve been following me here or on social media, you know that dream work is a main focus of my work and life. Recently I had a dream but it was more than a dream. This dream was a message. There’s no doubt about it. But who it’s a message for,…
New Blog Feature: Weekly Kitchen Witchery
Wrapped-Up-In-Hope Asparagus This is a new feature I’ve been trying to incorporate into this blog/site for some time now. And I’m happy that with the astrological new year I will be able to premiere my Kitchen Witchery of the Week content. For these posts I’ll be incorporating seasonal foods, Wheel of the Year energies, and…
Spring Cleaning in The Craft
Spring Cleaning time is upon us with the Full Moon in Virgo (3/18) and the Spring Equinox (3/20) right on our Worm Moon’s heels. So I thought I would post a few “cleansing & releasing” tips to make these tasks as magical as possible. Here on the Covenstead of Villa Westwyk, we’re already doing some…