It’s that time of the week again, where you get a little Hump-Day pick me up with my weekly Pick-A-Rune. With the Moon in Taurus you may be feeling a bit wanting to be home-centered. I know that with the Covid Pandemic, that’s not a big guidance. But if you were thinking of going off on a new journey, maybe take a minute a make some more secure plans. So which of these rune pairs are calling to you?
This week we have #1. Bloodstone, the warrior stone; #2 Pyrite; also known as fool’s gold; and, #3 Citrine; that great healer.
Take a moment and breathe, and choose what aligns with your spirit right in this minute. Tell me below which you choose!

What a reveal! These stones together with the runes are so powerful, but alone they are quite the source of energy, too. Now here’s the downlow:
#1 Bloodstone & Tiwaz (Merkstave*) – The Sky God wants you to sit down and just take stock. You’ve been in a constant conflict with yourself. You are overthinking and creating an energy block, especially where your creativity is concerned. If you continue in this pattern you may find yourself in a larger cycle of dwindling passions and even failure. Take some time to ground, center, and root and come back into the now. Future-tripping is helping no one, especially yourself. The order you desire comes with the practice of mindfulness.
#2 Pyrite & Ansuz – Your dreams are here to to provide you messages from your gods, ancestors, and/or the Universe. If you haven’t been doing dream work, this is a message to get back into it, start, or re-invigorate it. With this dream work you will find a new wisdom and mental agility you have been craving. If you do dream work on the regular it may be time to push yourself and begin the advanced work of visions quests and/or astral projection.
#3 Citrine & Berkano – The growth you have experienced lately felt like so much loss, but that transition has brought you new liberation, you just need to surrender and accept it — radically! That new venture you were fearful of trying? it’s time to dive in for it will bring you a new prosperity. Whenever you have Berkano come up in a reading, it’s also a message to do one small thing for the Earth right now. Plant a tree, pick up litter, or leave an offering of some sort.
Thanks again for accepting this casting. If you appreciate this weekly messages, let me know in the comments. Don’t forget I do full readings as found in my Magical Flea Market. You can find my offerings here: Book A Rune Casting With Runa. If you don’t have an Etsy account, you can always message me and we can book via that way.
Now go out and be the magic of this world by being your truest self and living your best life.
Blessed Be,