If you recall back to the beginning of the calendar year, none of us were having much renewal energy. The Cosmic Weather with Mars and Mercury in Retrograde required us to slow the eff down. And things have been slow. But now they are revving up quickly and filled with full-throttle Aries energy.
Yesterday was the Spring Equinox, so this new moon lands at a season change as well. It’s auspicious. It’s powerful. Can’t waste it. Now I have less than seven months to finish this book and it’s coming along well enough. My Leo Rising wants it to be perfect and showy, but the rest of me just wants it done well and completely compelling. But as my son with the Virgo Moon & Rising has taught me: Done is perfect. But getting it done is the real work, yes?
As I compose (there’s that word of 2023!) this book for Llewellyn, I’m also discovering new Magic, especially where my study of astrology is concerned (belated happy world astrology day, btw!). As I compose my platform to help this book launch into the world, I’m also discovering new Magic, especially where my Permie Witch duties take me. For that I’m making public two things I think will help teach and inspire those beginning or cruising along on the path of the Craft. One is some of the Magic I’ve discovered and curated (2022’s word) as I dive even deeper into Magical Mixology, the other is all about setting and following-through with intentions, especially where I create a sanctuary for myself and my fellow Witches here at Villa Westwyk.
Allow me to start with the intentions. Recognizing that today is the New Moon in Aries – a moon full of new-beginnings, courage, and self-focus energy, the start of the Witch’s and Astrologer’s New Year, my New Moon Intentions are being recorded here. I’m doing this in part because I think it’s important for Witchlings (Grand one included) to see the process that an ol’ Solitary practitioner creates and follow it along. The Full Moon in Aries is about six months from now (9/29/23 @ 0257 hrs PDT). The book needs to be in the hands of my publisher by then. And although I want this draft to be done before the eclipse later this month, all my revisions need to be done and into the publisher by the end of September. So let’s use that Aries energy to get started. To set intentions on the new moon, I love working with the book New Moon Astrology by Jan Spiller to help form my intentions. Because as Witches we know that words are important and hold power. We want that power to work for us and not against us. Spiller breaks down the energy and focus so easily for you, that even if you’ve not studied Astrology or spell crafting, you’ll get it quickly.
My New Moon in Aries 3/21/23 Intentions:
- I want to easily find myself writing the right words for this book that are a reflection of my true self.
- I want to easily find myself making choices that are in the best interest of finishing this book.
- I want all fears around my assertively blazing new beginning with my manuscript easily lifted from me.
- I want to easily find myself following my own constructive instincts in creating this manuscript.
- I want to be filled with strength and boldness in my approach to writing this book.
- I want to remain consistently vigilant in the matter of finishing this manuscript.
- I want any survival instincts that are authorally counterproductive and easily lifted from me.
- I want to easily find myself initiating action in regard to writing and finishing this book.
My plan now with these is to visit the intentions at least weekly (hello working with the moon cycles that my Patrons see consistently) to see how I am doing. I may continue to blog on it as the book’s creation progresses. But for sure, we’ll revisit it come September. I encourage you to set some intentions today as well for the next six months, what can you accomplish with the energy of the Aries new moon.
Now for the Magic In My Cup discovery to share here. Since I’ve begun my second Saturn return, I’m sharing the craft cocktail I made in honor of this return. Although this one will not be found in my book, it gives you a sample of some of what you will find when this book is made public. You can find the link to the potent potion over on my Patreon at the end of this post. Kind of like the Monster At The End of This Book (a favorite book to read to my babies back in the day), but instead it’s a Witch handing you a Pisces In Saturn Cocktail.
Celebrate Saturn in Pisces here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/79701391
Happy Spring, Witches! Now go be your truest self and live your best life, Magical One!