The Winter Solstice is just nine days away. Which means I’ve been working with the energy of Ehwaz ( ᛖ ) the whole of 2022. This is my third year working with one Rune in particular, in order to deepen my connection and further my understanding of the Runes, since I work with them daily….
Category: Blog Post
Gift Like A Witch: Yuletide Gift Ideas for 2022
Witches Are Different; Our Gifts Are Too Oh, Yule. I love you and then don’t love you. I’ve been trying to get this post out since well before western thanksgiving. Clearly it’s been a struggle. And gift giving is, whether we realize it or not, also about how the act of giving makes the giver…
Preparing Animals for Winter While Writing A Book
Our weather station here at Villa Westwyk measured a balmy 82 degrees F on October 14. Two days later we got our first frost and we haven’t seen anything above 50 degrees in weeks. The Average temperature for the last month is 38 degrees. The last two winters we did not see freezing temperatures until…
Putting The Permie Witch Garden To Bed
One of my Patrons asked me about putting my garden to bed as a Permie Witch. It looks a bit different than what perhaps a Master Gardener from your local Ag extension might do. I’m still trying to grow things all winter, whether that’s garlic, winter greens, over-wintering root veggies, or just feeding the soil….
A Spiritual Team of Horses: Working with Ehwaz & News
It’s been 10 months since I started working with Ehwaz. In that 10 months, my understanding of this Rune is deepening. My shorthand as described in the illustration above for this Rune has helped me kick start myself again when the outside world made things feel too hard to do much more. It was like…
When It’s Mundane, Work With The Moon
The Moon helps me remember. It’s my secret weapon to get all things mundane done. Dear Luna helps me remember to soak my ultra sensitive skin (something new since menopause) in a salt bath. It reminds me to sew my mending. It tells me it’s time to make another loaf of bread. It reminds me…
Launching a Patreon
Well I did it. After a year plus of people asking me to set such a space up, it’s here. I’m on Patreon now, creating a digital Witchcraft-learning Covenstead. And you don’t have to live exactly like I do to participate. This is a place to help you connect with our generous and awesome Earth,…
Planning Your Witches Thanksgiving
Wishes for a Festive Mabon from my home to yours Witches Thanksgiving is coming. Also known as Mabon (MAY-bn), or the Autumn Equinox. It is the second harvest. It’s a big one, too, for those living close to the land and growing food. Although I can harvest a little bit every day beginning about the…
Spider Season Witchcraft
Keeping Arachnids at Bay on the Covenstead CW: Spiders It’s September in the Pacific Northwest, or Spider Season as it’s more locally known. Literally spiders show up everywhere. Now, we’re not as bad as some places in Australia, but funnels, webs, and strings of baby spiders in flight are everywhere. Sunrise & Sunset chores here…
Flipping Off The System
A Lesson in Onions & Worth In the last week or so I’ve harvested enough onions and garlic to use in our meals for months and months. The red onion harvest alone should keep us in red onions for nine months. I look at these harvests as a big screw-you to the horrendous systems we…