The Beautiful Messages From Spirit Through Nature Since arriving at Villa Westwyk, there’s been many messages from Spirit to let me know I’m in the right place and on the right path. We found this property, honestly, in the knick of time. We had looked at dozens and dozens of properties and this one just…
Tag: country dweller
Psychic Hangovers
How They Happen; How to Avoid Them You didn’t know that witches have special hangovers? Yep, we do. Just like overdoing it with alcohol, overusing your psychic energy can produce what feels very much like a hangover. When experiencing a psychic hangover, you may feel physically sick: fatigue, have a headache, feel nauseous or actually…
Personal Guiding Principles
A journey to what I hold dear Right around my solar return in November, a question was posed to me — and honestly, I don’t recall where it came from — I mean, obviously, Source. But what vehicle for which the message was delivered, I’m unsure of, and does it really matter? Not really, except…
Giving Birth in a Pandemic
I didn’t expect to launch this site when I did. I mean it’s been gestating for a bit of time now. I’ve been a public witch since 2017, but resisted creating a website for so long, since my energies were really elsewhere. Then the Coronavirus pandemic hit and everything, including craft work, has gone virtual….