The Winter Solstice is just nine days away. Which means I’ve been working with the energy of Ehwaz ( ᛖ ) the whole of 2022. This is my third year working with one Rune in particular, in order to deepen my connection and further my understanding of the Runes, since I work with them daily….
Tag: Runes
Pick A Rune – 6/11/2021
If you are new here, Welcome. This is a special gift to my followers that I do to help you understand my Rune Magic, learn about Crystals, and, most importantly, the messages of the Runes. Look at the photo either above, or the closer up shot below, and feel the energy. Which one calls to…
Pick-A-Rune 5-28-2021
Thanks for visiting! Sorry for the delay for those who look forward to this each week. I’ve been in slow-motion since the Lunar Eclipse. You may be feeling like you’re running in quick-sand, too. No worries, energy levels should pick up for both of us beginning now. So let’s get to it: If you’re new…
Pick A Rune – 4-7-2021
Your Weekly Rune Casting from Runa Troy These are intended to find you when you need the message. Instead of actual crystals this week, I was called to use my Crystal Oracle Deck — this Crone doesn’t just use Runes for divination and messages from the Universe. And we’re using everyone’s favorite Bison-Teeth Rune set….