Giving Back to Say Thank-You

I’m doing a little giveaway because in 2020 my life turned upside down (I know, join the club, Runa!). Because of ::gestures wildly at the state of the world:: I was led to open my Magical Flea Market and easing down the path to public witch life.
The response from all of you to that move has been steady and clearly building. I feel very blessed. With each new heart on my Etsy shop, every new order, each Solitary Shenanigans attendee, and all the positive energy being shared, I see a clearer path to living a magical life and sharing my gifts.
The people I’ve connected with through this have often become much more than customers and I see new expansive horizons for 2021 for this path I’m on. Giving back seemed a natural part of this journey. Therefore, I’m giving away a Year Ahead Runic Reading, which gives you a full Elder Futhark reading. This includes a digitally sent transcription with photos. You will also receive a coupon for a 50 percent off coupon for a future triple rune casting for you to use or gift for later.
But you need to enter the giveaway. Here’s how you do it:
- Be sure you’re following me on Instagram.
- . Like the giveaway post on Instagram.
- Comment on that post: Skal!
Those steps above give you one entry.
Once you’ve done those, you can add some bonus entries by:
a. Tag someone on IG or here in the comments who you think might like to enter the giveaway (three entries for doing that).
b. Share my IG post in your IG stories (3 extra entries).
c. Favorite The Magical Flea Market on Etsy (5 bonus entries).
I will pull a winner on Jan. 2.
Let the Giveaway begin!