Weekly Pick-A-Rune Reveal (3/10/21)

Dear friends, readers, and fellow Witches:
As is often with how I operate, Spirit sent me lots of messages yesterday about how I’m conducting my readings and its benefit to others, as well as myself. In response to that Divine Download, from today onward you will find the Pick-A-Rune Reveal post here on Wednesdays. I will continue to post the Pick-A-Rune prompt on Instagram; but the Reveal will be here. It’s an extra step; but, it means the messages to those it should reach will be stronger.
Additionally, there will changes coming (think Aries season) to The Magical Flea Market and my website here, which will reflect the things I have learned since becoming a Mystical Business Owner, aka a Boss Witch. When I first started in this practice, I underestimated the amount of effort required to provide a quality experience. Clearly I’m still learning the lesson on Psychic Energy Use I blogged about not too long ago.
Because it is important to me to take the time and invest the energy to deliver a high-quality experience for my clients, especially for my dream interpretations and Rune castings, how I offer my services and goods will begin to change. Some things will only be found here at RunaTroy.com, whereas my magically curated items (Witch Bottles, Dream Recall Bags, e.g.) will remain offered over on Etsy via The Magical Flea Market. At some point, I hope to have everything in one place (TBD). But for now, this is my way of letting those who regularly use my services to know that I have received the messages from not only my clients, my fellow Witches, but also Source, that I have been devaluing my knowledge, skills, and abilities and that is not good for anyone. As a Crone, I should know better; but, there’s one thing true about practicing Witchcraft — you are always learning.
In the meantime, I hope that my movement to knowing my value and worth will rub off on all of you. I think that is a message we all need especially in these times of late-stage capitalism and late-stage pandemic.
Now to the weekly Pick-a-Rune Casting:

- Here we find Fehu Merkstave (reversed) under the Tiger’s Eye stone. Freyja has a message for you that you are doing too much and are headed for burnout. Such a crisis will sow discord and impact your finances. So take some time TODAY and re-prioritize and re-value what is truly important. Remember without personal happiness there is no true wealth.
- Here we find Naudhiz under the Green Flourite. If you are taking unnecessary risks, this is not a good time for that. Yeah, yeah, you have to risk it to get the biscuit, but the biscuit for you right now means a big ol’ stone of distress, because those risks are harming those around you. Take a pause and check yourself before your wreck yourself. You’re missing a key something to make things right.
- Here we find Raidho under the Sodalite. Hitch up your wagon and know you are moving forward. Just don’t forget to focus in on the logistics to arrive safely to your goal. Don’t rely on others to achieve your objective right now. You must rely on your own chutzpah. The journey will lead you to bigger and better things; just don’t forget to trust yourself along the way.
Thanks again for visiting. I hope this weekly reading on the ramp up to the New Moon in Pisces resonates with you. If you are interested in a deeper Rune Casting reading, please consider booking one with me. Again, please note that the current prices will be changing in a couple of weeks, so booking now under the lower price might just be what the gods ordered for you. I have openings still for the New Moon time. If you have questions about how that looks, feel free to email me at Runa(at)CountryDwellers(dot)com
As I will it; So mote it be.
Blessed Be.