Home warding has been central to my practice for many years and within weeks of moving into a new place, I found this book, rather by accident — an internet post by some stranger put it in my sights. And I’m so glad for that serendipity. I only know a few warding things that were taught to me through the years by older witches, and all I use without fail; but, I was interested to learn more. Enter this book by Althaea Sebastiani, By Rust of Nail & Prick of Thorn… Written for both emerging and long-time practitioner of the craft or just those seeking more alignment in their sacred space, the book explains what warding is, why it’s done, and then how to do it. Simple. Perfect.
The thing I appreciate the most about this book is that it is clearly no-nonsense. It’s clear reading through it that this author knows her stuff and offers no apology for it. I love the clean, clear writing style and practical application part — you know the actually doing of the wardings in all their varieties, including valuable advice about the where, how, and whys of warding.
Sebastiani covers charms, chimes, plants, powders, and so much more. I was especially in love with her section on Spirits, since this aligns with my personal practice quite well. There is even a section on Emergency Warding.
The only criticism I would offer of this book is that I would have loved even more detail. It’s a “read it in a weekend and take notes” tome, which is great for keeping in your Witchy Reference Shelf; I just wanted a bit more. I’d love to see a re-release with how the author applies these wards in her own home, as she is a traveling soul, as I once was. I’m such a visual learner that seeing images of Statuary, Sigils, or Stones in action — or any of the other ward types — would be even more enlightening. Regardless, I highly recommend this book. I have zero doubt it will be one you refer to often and use all year in your Craft practice.