Messages From Forest to Sea Reading
Limited Time! June 21 through September 19, 2023
All Digital – No appointment necessary
7 Mushroom Spirit Oracle cards
2 Runes
9 ways towards what you need to know to be your truest self and live your best life
I am in love with this Mushroom Spirit Oracle deck. Nicola McIntosh has created a classic. I just had to use this in a new style reading. In the spirit of summer, and all the places I love to be during it, I put together this From Forest to Sea reading. In addition to the seven oracle cards, there are two shell Runes, gathered and created by yours truly. These are messages from our ancestors as we move through our summer season.
This reading will be available only from the Summer Solstice through the Fall Equinox. Schedule you’re reading today. Those who schedule a reading will receive photos and a complete written report of said reading so they can refer to it over and over again.
Blessed Be,
Creative Crone
In most circumstances you’ll get this reading within 72 hours of purchase, but it can take up to 9 days depending on demand. I will communicate with you about the timeline so you know when you can expect to receive it.
If you are uncomfortable supporting Etsy, we can work a direct connection. Just email me your request to runa(at) runatroy (dot) com.