As a dream interpreter I am privileged to begin to see trends in the collective consciousness via my own and my clients’ dreams. Right now the theme is very clear: Justice is coming.
When I look at astrology during this time when these dreams are happening, it makes sense that collectively we’d be looking at such things. Personally, I do believe it’s past time. Right now Neptune is in Pisces and for the last decade plus I’ve seen more and more people tuning into their dreams. The emotiveness of Pisces and Neptune’s hold on dreams, allows us to connect more easily, if not more moodily.
However, beyond the current moon in Libra (the moon is transiting here as I post this), which traditionally has everyone looking at fairness, balance, and justice, I think Uranus in Taurus is helping us get more energized about what is right for our society. Uranus is always pushing against the status quo and is known as the rebel planet. It’s waking up the entire planet.
To see this influence from Uranus dancing in Taurus, all you have to do is look at what’s going on around you, let alone the current global and national news. Climate change is a constant. Healthcare access and equity. COVID-19 has taught us lots. But how do we raise the importance of such a critical part of human life? The War in Ukraine rages still, more than a year now; yet, that looks young to places like Syria, Yemen, Myanmar. But don’t forget the newest conflict in Sudan. In the United States, how many people were shot today? How many of them were People of the Global Majority? Meanwhile, those lacking housing are pushed out of small camp communities they’ve tried hard to maintain. Most telling from the news yesterday, the Supreme Court is about to hear a case that may put in jeopardy the ruling of more than 19,000 other cases. It’s a biggie. If you haven’t heard about this, read up, friend. And those just seem to be the top seven. There’s so much more push and pull going on. Uranian energy all the way, folx.
Dreams sending me to this conclusion include more clear-cut “sentencing” in some of the dreams I’m interpreting, but also, more personal justice issues (wronged by a member of your kindred, which can be a friend or family member) or scenes that have clear signs and actions that point to that. These symbols go beyond the commonly known scales or other legalese characters of the ancient Justitia, but include things that many may not know is pointing to some kind of legal recompense. And you thought prunes were just for gut health. 😉
Understanding this it seemed only right to share the information to the collective. How have your dreams been? Are the consequences incoming? Do you see an uptick in Justice symbols in your own dreams or waking life? Uranus is going to be in Taurus until 2026, so let’s all keep an eye out – dream out, perhaps – for more upheaval and push towards Justice.
If you want to learn more about dream work, consider joining my Patreon, where we work on incorporating it into our Craft practices. Come join the Covenstead and learn about this and other cool witchy shizzle.