This section of my blog is dedicated to spreading the love of reading and books and the people who make them happen. I would not be the Witch I am today without books. I owe an obscene amount of gratitude to all the makers of books out there. This is my way of giving back. I hope that something I pick up and review will guide you to acquire the next tome on your To Be Read stack.
Recently Finished:
This is a Magic & Mixology series that I’ve been whipping through while I wrote Magic In Your Cup: A Witch’s Guide to Sippable Spellcraft (coming soon from Llewellyn Worldwide). When writing fiction, I can only read non-fiction. When writing non-fiction, I can only read fiction. Magic Julep is book seven in the series, and I’ll likely start Mermaid Mimosa soon (but I’m currently in the middle of editing a fiction book for the day job, and I just can’t have LaManna’s voice in my head while doing so. However, I have been loving the cozy and escapist vibe to this. This is it when you need something to take you away to a magical isle in the middle of Lake Superior. I particularly love this one because there are some real relationship challenges…but nothing a little magic can’t handle. If you’ve read this series, let me know your thoughts. Beach-read vibes for sure, and I recommend starting with Book One in the series Hex on the Beach. Regardless, while finishing my non-fiction magical mixology book, this has been an excellent decompression story for me. And some of the characters are cool, like vampire cousin Poppy and shape-shifting cousin Zinnia. We all need a little time away, and this PG-13 romp is perfect.
Reading Now:
Longing For Darkness: Tara and the Black Madonna by China Galland
The Black Madonna appeared to me in a dream a few years back. She still visits me often in that space. Other than some statutory and art frequented within many of my ancestral homes and some of my travels, I did not know much about this particular symbol of the Divine Mother. I am about halfway through the book and am anxious for the author to get to the Black Madonna. However, as I take this spiritual journey with the author, I’m learning a lot about Zen Buddism and other comparative religions. More to come after I finish.
Up Next:
Wild Soul Runes: Reawakening the Ancestral Feminine by Lara Veleda Vesta
This book was a gift from a friend who knows my frustration with accessing spiritual literature about the tools I use in my Craft, particularly Runes, that are not colored by racism and bigotry. I don’t know why the Nazis love my lineage’s heathenry, but they do. I always laugh when I see that because do they even know Odin? Talk about Patron of Drag Queens. I’m hoping Ms. Vesta provides a more witchy and inclusive viewpoint. Come back soon to read the review of this one.
As you can say, I read a little of everything. I’m always curious about what others are reading. What book are you working through right now? Let’s talk books!
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