Not every book in your Witchy Library has to be some reference on spells and rituals or divination how-tos. Sometimes you need something that feeds your mind and spirit all at the same time. Emerging Poet, Jason Ralls, inaugural release of The Oath – A Heathen Poet’s Journey does just that. Through poetry he expresses a spiritual journey that wanders from curiosity into the depths of love and loyalty. Although its subject matter explores the author’s relationship with the Norse gods, the journey of belief holds inspiration for all Pagan hearts.
It’s not a large tome, but features three acts detailed by nine poems, from following Idunn, to Ran, to Hel, to Balder, and Tyr, to Freyja, and to the Mad King himself, Odin. You can feel the writer’s movement from not really knowing the gods, to professing his creed of belief and service. I found reading it outside was deeply inspiring as well as healing. It’s slim profile fits in a day pack for hiking and re-reading when you pause to take in the view and rest before returning back to the modern world. These poems seem to connect the ancestral world and its inhabitants to the now.
On the back cover of the book, the author warns that the book is more than poetry and that between the words is a liminal space to be aware of when diving into the text. I agree there is a spirit and presence in this book that spoke to me and gave me pause to find my own journey to the deities that are calling to me.
If you’re looking for a inspirational book for your Pagan heart, I highly recommend this one.