This section of my blog is dedicated to spreading the love of reading and books and the people who make them happen. I would not be the Witch I am today without books. I owe an obscene amount of gratitude to all the makers of books out there. This is my way of giving back. I hope that something I pick up and review will guide you to acquire the next tome on your To Be Read stack.
How is it almost August? I hope you’ve been busy with your nose in a book for at least part of this summer. June flew by and I was reading, reading, but having trouble keeping up to post this in June. So, this entry is a bit more than usual. But there were some very good books included, all of them pretty mind opening..
Recently Finished:

As a dreamworker myself I was excited to get my hands on this book. Leafar’s experience as an urban spiritual worker and the influence of his Craft from Venezuelan Brujos had me intrigued from the beginning of the text. The fact that he brought in other practitioners to lend more stories and perspectives to the book speaks to Leafar’s multiple esoteric backgrounds. Because of his upbringing and now living in the United States, he has a unique perspective on how mutable and cultural dreams and dreamwork can be. I found his voice refreshing. The way he weaves narrative into the dreamwork is inviting for the reader and leads you down a dream world path with ease. His stories about the symbolism in a dream for an American versus someone of Caribbean culture highlight why the remainder of the book’s pages show you how to create your dream practice and learn from the varied and powerful one that Leafar has. Included in the book are dozens upon dozens of spellcraft, rituals, recipes, and more all about dreams, the dreamer, and the dream world. Dream Witchery is a great reference book for aspiring dreamworkers, but at its foundation, there are years and generations full of dreamworkers held in its pages.
Alive with Spirits: The Path and Practice of Animistic Witchcraft by Althaea Sebastiani

Remember how I missed June’s edition of What The Witch Is Reading? That’s because not only was I busting butt healing the land, but I was reading this book, twice – back to back. And now I’m listening to it while pulling weeds in the garden, which I think the author might appreciate. For many becoming a Witch means stumbling through and learning bit by bit to create our Craft practice. However you’ve come to the Craft or even Animism, Sebastiani takes your hand in Alive With Spirits and shows you a customizable plan to walk deeper into a world filled with spirits and a deeper relationship with the Land. She details throughout the book that right relationships with the Land and Spirits help us be in right relationship with ourselves and other living people. Sebastani’s experience living this way comes through clearly in the book and grounds the reader – whether they be novice or elder – in five traits and seven skills of Witchcraft. As I mentioned, I have read it twice already and am listening to it a third time. This will be a book I recommend to any practitioner, especially because it’s clear that Sebastiani wants you to do the work and gives the reader exercises in each chapter to hone and expand their Craft and Practice, especially where relationships with Spirits are concerned.
Relishing Longer:
Wild Soul Runes: Reawakening the Ancestral Feminine by Lara Veleda Vesta

Alive With Spirits likely would have been here last month under ‘relishing longer’ if I’d gotten to June’s edition since I re-read this. I’m not re-reading Wild Soul Runes, but rather ‘doing.’ The book features a week-by-week plan to deepen your relationship with the Runes. With 24 Runes, it will take me a bit to do this, but the Runes and I go way back, so I think this will be like a second honeymoon. 😉 As I mentioned in my May post, the inclusivity of this book is refreshing given that sometimes some close-minded individuals can attach themselves to these sacred divining tools. I especially enjoyed the feminine point of view and lens throughout the book. I’m going to work through all the exercises bit by bit and dive even deeper into my relationship with the Runes.
Up Next:
Heal the Witch Wound: Reclaim Your magic and Step Into your Power by Celeste Larsen

I am about ⅔ way through this read and I just started a few days ago. Larsen however is uncovering things for me that I experienced but was unsure of its source. Be prepared to want to go down rabbit holes with your Witch Wound with this one. The history section can be rage-making if you haven’t heard some of the stories before – if you have heard them, you’ll be reminded there’s a lot of generational trauma we’re all healing – a Witch Wound just might be it for you, too. I’ll begin Part II next and that’s where Larsen contends the healing begins. Excited to read further.
Ancestral Whispers: A Guide to Building Ancestral Veneration Practices by Ben Stimpson.

This book has been patiently waiting in my TBR pile for me to crack it open. I adore its title because I often hear my ancestors whispering. This book came highly recommended to me by several people, so I’m curious to see how Stimpson approaches all there is with this wide subject matter.
As you can see, I read a little of everything. I’m always curious about what others are reading. What book are you working through right now? Let’s talk books! Comment below. If you have a book you think I should read, let me know that, too!
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